New Stuff: The Bo Dukes

Artist: The Bo Dukes
Album: The Bo Dukes
Label: Self-Released
Year: 2006

I first got an email from The Bo Dukes way back in February of this year, and their first track off the album, which also happens to be the most infectious in regards to getting just one line stuck in your head, is “Save The Day.” I tucked the track away in the depths of my memory until just recently, when I had a chance to listen and review their entire release as a whole. It’s short, under 22 minutes, qualifying it as an EP I believe, but the sound is concentrated and constant throughout, and gives the album a cohesive feel from start to finish. My favorite two tracks happen to be the album’s openers, “Save The Day” and “Hash.” Here they are for your listening pleasure. If you enjoy these, the album gets even better, I’d check it out if I were you.

The Bo Dukes – 01 – Save The Day
The Bo Dukes – 02 – Hash

You can grab a copy of The Bo Dukes’ release on CDBaby, and you can click on their name above to see their website.



