Trey at NIU – 11/04/2005

So during the Trey show at NIU last Friday, right towards the beginning of the show Trey leaned down to talk to someone in the front row, and popped back up a second later and went to the mic :

“We have a special guest here with us in the front row, Joey, who’s three years old and it’s his first show?…. … second show. Everybody give Joey a little round of applause. Well Joey, I wish I knew how to play the Dylan song called Joey, but I don’t and I feel like playing a cover. Soooo…. let’s do some Clapton…. how about After Midnight, and ten years down the road you can listen to this show and know this song was dedicated to you.”

So Trey does an incredibly good cover of After Midnight for like 20 minutes, and afterwards a “Joey” chant starts echoing throughout the crowd. It erupts into a huge chant for like 3 minutes which Trey joins in on and the father finally turns around and holds up this little three year-old kid, and he’s pumping his fists and has a big dumb grin on his face because he hears everyone chanting his name and looking at him. Probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen at a concert.

Mr. Completely
Dark and Down
After Midnight (J.J. Cale)
Spin >
Sweet Dreams Melinda
Love That Breaks All Lines@
Pebbles and Marbles@*
Money, Love and Change
Wherever You Find It

E: Come As Melody

@ Trey Solo Acoustic
* preceded by a “Pusherman” (Curtis Mayfield) tease.



