Super Bowl Ads

The only remark I have about yesterday’s game is becoming a little tired in Chicago:  “We’ll get ’em next year.”

On another note, was it just me, or were yesterday’s Super Bowl commercials even harder to watch than the game?  They really were weak this year.

YouTube and have most of the commercials, my personal favorites were almost all Bud Light ads, as well as a Sierra Mist one.  Here’s the links:

Bud Light Wedding Reception
Bud Light Carlos MenciaBud Light! “Bood Light” Bud Light! “Bood Light”
Bud Light Rock Paper Scissors – “I threw paper…” “I threw a rock.”
Bud Light HitchHiker – “It’s a bottle opener”
Sierra Mist Beard Combover – “It really makes me question your decision-making abilities, Ted”
Blockbuster Computer Mouse



