Summer Camp Update

Just to let everyone know, the Summer Camp Artist Series is going strong and I’ve been getting tons of great feedback from bands and readers alike, so keep the comments coming and make sure to tell your friends and family to come here and hear some great new bands they might not know about.
The finalized lineup for Summer Camp has been posted, and as of today so has the schedule.  NOTE:  The schedule link showed up on the main website and was removed the same day, so there’s a chance that this might not be the final schedule.  Either way it’s probably a good indicator of what to expect. Here’s the related links for this post:

Hope you all are having a good start to your week.  Be prepared for a bunch of SCampArtist posts over the next couple weeks.  I’ve got some great stuff to share coming soon.

Anyone got any good news for the week?  See any good shows this last weekend?



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