It’s been a while since I’ve had time to update the site. At this point, I think the quickest way to get you all up to speed is to give you a video tour of the homestead and show you what we’ve been working on all summer long. Take a look:
I give a better look at our earthbag wall, the concrete stucco process, our new patio and walkway, the chicken coop, our hens (and a couple fresh eggs), and what’s left for us during the rest of the year.
If you’d like to get a chance to try your hand at earthbag building, we’d love the help and we promise that we’ll make it fun. We’re in the home stretch of finishing up the wall before the winter rain starts to set in. If you’re interested in stopping by during a September/October weekend just drop us a line!
Links in the Video:
- Akina Designs – Seattle Landscaping Company that did our walkway & patio.
- How to Make Raised Garden Beds with Sod Walls – the garden beds that have been dug up quite a bit and changed since we last wrote about them.